Best how to/review photography/video making youtube channel
Youtube id: DigitalRevTv
Website: www.digitalrev.com
Producers: Kai Wong, Lok C. and Alamby
Coming from japan, DigitalRevTv,
is an amaizingly intertaining and instructive youtube channel, if you are ether
interested in dslr photography, or in dslr video making, they will most
certainly take your breath away. They are the type of channel, when you start
watching there videos, you will never be able to miss a single other video they
produce, this is based on my personal experience. I remember that when I came
over to there channel for the first, my interests in photography was almost
nonexistent, I can't really explain why I have continued watching there videos,
all I know is that several years later, I haven't missed a single video they
made and have growing interests for photography and have bought lots of
photographical accessories, bassed on there reviews, and spend lots of time
learning more about photography.
Video proposal challenge: Baby photography (have fun :)
Video proposal challenge: Baby photography (have fun :)
My favorite episode:
Youtube id: mighty car mods
and MCMTV2
Producers: Marty (Martin Mulholland) & Moog (Blair Joscelyne)
I still remember the
day I found mightycarmods on youtube, it is quite a while ago, they litterally
took my breath away, the hours that followed that discovery was spent watching
each and every video they had made, without skiping a second, and ever since, I
haven't been able to wait more than 5 minutes, when receiving a notification of
new a episode on there behalf. They became for me the ultimate youtube channel,
for they regrouped all of what I was looking for on youtube, that included
amazingly cleaver DIY, great quality artistic video shorts, fluttering cars and
staggeringly funny humor. Hidden behind the great quality content, you will
find simple, attractive, and one of a kind personalities, that you can not, not
want to aspire to. If I'd have a dream, it would be to have a channel like
there's, it is because of them, by the way, that was born my growing desire to
participate in the great online content producers.
Video proposal challenge: "How to make your car Rake approved" (Anxious to know :)
My favorite episode :
Youtube id: Edbassmaster
Website: www. edbassmaster.com
Producer: Ed
No words can describe with
the adequate accuracy, as the saying goes, an image is worth a thousand words.
Completely different in style to the previously described channels, you could
clearly say he is a one of a kind person, what makes subsequently of his
channel a one of a kind channel. Never ending laugh, is what will qualify
every minute spent watching his videos. His creativity, will never reach an
end, the finesse he has of making simple things look so funny is incredible.
This channel isn't about the great artistic shot, nor about transmitted
knowledge, it is simply about capturing Ed's moments of madness, his videos
could be captured, and edited in what ever way, it would always remain special,
as long as ed remained in front of the camera.
Video proposal challenge for Ed: "Ahaha! could you tell me a joke, I need it for medication" (overly funny!)
Glance of his videos:
Youtube id: Freddiew
Website: www.Freddiew.com
Film Directors: freddy Wong & Brandon Laatsch
If I was a filmmaker, I don't
know how much money I would be willing to pay to have such a brilliance in my
crew, but it would be sure very expensive. What fascinates me, is how they
manage to transform such dumb ideas, and accomplish them in a such filmographic
and innovative way. I would compare them to kids with incredible video
producing superpowers. From my point of view, they have realized the modern
filmmaker dream, which is the capability of fulfilling you dreams of producing
what ever personal project you feel like, when ever you feel like and how you
want it to be, without being tied by a producer that restrains you. As I
understood, behind, and at the foundation of Freddiew, lies friendships, and
crazy college ideas, that became reality, because, they were able to make the
step, and learn when unexpected appeared. They also proved as may other, that
it is possible to make a very good life out of Youtube. Never forget that dumb
ideas can produce incredible masterpieces.
Video proposal challenge: My everyday life: 21 december 2012
Video proposal challenge: My everyday life: 21 december 2012
One of my personal favorite:
Youtube id: College Humor
website: www.collegehumor.com
Actors (main ones): Richy Van Veen, Samuel Reich, Daniel Gurewitch, Amir Blumenfeld, Jack Hurwitz, Jacob Hurwitz, Sarah Schneider, Streeter
How could I describe, it is
as if there was an emotional bond, that blinds me to this channel, every time I
go on Youtube, I always end up on there channel. I just feel as if the
comedians where my best friends, as if I had know them for so long, they are
people, you can just feel great in presence, is it because they succeeded in
imbuing truly there incredible personalities in there videos, or because,
they don't consider there job as a job, but rather as an enjoyment, I think all
of these reasons contribute to making some great content. This channel is
distinguished by, just pure, simple and refreshing videos, you can just feel
how much they had fun making the web series, simply brilliant. The only warning
I should give you, is be aware, this channel is addicting, there is no end to
watching the endless number of hillarant videos, but I think you'll get threw
this difficulty.
Video proposal challenge: POV: 5 things you did in college other than study
Video proposal challenge: POV: 5 things you did in college other than study
One of my personal favorite sketch :
Youtube id: Improv Everywhere
Website: www.Improveverywhere.com
Producer: Charlie Todd
This channel is about a life
style, about a type of person, and a type of world you dream of; a world where
there is no boundaries, where conformism is your worst enemy, hesitant people
isn't what is told here. People who are free within themselves, who aren't
afraid of the image they project of themselves to others, it is about making of
the time spent in this life an enjoyment, I see it as a protest against the
boring routine of many town folks, who content themselves with a redundant
life. Maybe am I going too far in my reflection, or have reflected beyond what
Todd himself, the founder of Improv Everywhere had ever though, but I can
just feel this, I truly believe that it is the message that is being passed
threw the videos, even thought they had maybe never intended to preach this
message. On a different tone, isn't it just amazing to watch how people react
and how they are amazed and confused all at once, when confronted by inadvertence, to improv
everywhere agents. I enjoy tring to imagine how I would
react. I simply bow to the feet of the Todd who got the idea and decided to fulfill it.
My video proposal challenge: Play hid and seek in a public areas
My video proposal challenge: Play hid and seek in a public areas
Sample of there work:
Youtube id: Sow Mo Guys
Website: Facebook page
Producers: Gav and Dan
It is often said that gear
isn't what makes a great video, but I think these guys have made an exeption to
this rule. The power of slowmotion shots are immense, isn't it facinating how
ordinairy mondayne situations, can appear so diffrently
in slow motion. It is as if the world revealed itself to us. I wouldn’t
want to take away all Gav's and Dan's talent away, and give it entirely to there gear, for they know how to take advantage of there gear. This channel is the perfect
example of what many youtubers should take example on, a great simple concept, that they keep renewing. Lots of great youtube channels start with a
simple idea, which has lots of potential interest and simply stick to it, and
thus bringing it to its culmining point, for this channel, it appears that the
culminating point is finding an situation or a shot that when slowed down procures
to the viewer, a unique experience for something he sees
everyday, but had never really took the time to look at. This channel is like a
rediscovery of your surrounding world, an astonishment for it's beauty. It is a reminder
to each and every body to try and take the time to look around you, and
be amazed by the beauty, by it's complexity, and it's
intelligence. This channel is about the power of simplicity, the power of taking the time to look at something from a different angle.
My video proposal challenge: Sticking your face or your dog's face out of the car while going really fast, or with a high power fan
Best of there work:
Youtube id: Howcast
Website: www.howcast.com
Original idea of: Daniel Blackman, Sanjay Raman,
Darlene Liebman
Darlene Liebman
If you like me, have made
the same mistake and have married the the person that always turns to you when something is broken or has gone wrong,
then howcast should be your best friend. This channel is truly my best friend
when confronted to unknown domains, countless times, it has been my reference, even for the building of this blog. Isn't it just so cool that so much knowledge is available so easily.
Vimeo Id:
Website: (under construction)
Film maker: Fabien Normand
How could you define what feeling procures the sight of beauty? The incredible power of nicely matched images,
accorded with nicely fitted music can procure a feel, a sense of presence, an
amazement, that goes beyond the simpleness of what was intended. My guess would be that
very few of you know this Film maker, but here is maybe why: Fabien doesn't intend his videos as part of an industry, his videos aren't intended to impress the viewer, but are intended to bring forward the true essence of the lived emotion, thus without looking for it, it impresses the viewer, it takes your breath away, for the only reason that it transmits a pure emotion. I think this is the way things should be, not the other way around, it is true that a video is intended for the viewer, but never forget the viewer will most likely enjoy a truthful and pure video, this is something Fabnor understood long ago. Why not simply film what surrounds you, show what's beautiful, show the way you felt it. Isn't that beautiful, the power of images.
My video proposal challenge: Let us feel the ambiance of a mondain everyday life location, such as a café
My video proposal challenge: Let us feel the ambiance of a mondain everyday life location, such as a café
Best of his work:
What are your favorite Youtube channels?